Directions from Mosselbay
Follow N2 to Cape Town
Take the first Boggoms Bay turn off
Continue past Boggoms Bay, past Vleesbaai
Left Gouritsmond, cross over river, follow Board Gourikwa Nature Reserve
At stop street, go straight – Stilbaai
After Gourikwa entrance the road will become a dirt road - continue on the dirt road for ± 3km
At the very first turn, turn left
± 1km first farm gate – close behind you (if gate open, leave open)
± 1km second farm gate – close behind you (if gate open, leave open)
± 1km third farm gate – close behind you (if gate open, leave open)
± 1km T-junction – turn right
± 2km on left – Riaan & Diane Botma
Stone cottage and white cottage, turn left, follow road down to the sea
The closest Shopping Mall on this route is Langeberg Mall
Check-in time: 15h00 – 18h00
Check-out time: 10am please.
Directions from Cape Town Airport
Follow road to Somerset West
N2 board to George
Stay on the N2
Pass Swellendam
Pass Malgas
Pass Albertin ia and the Garden Route Game Lodge on your left
After± 10km, turn r ight onto R325 to Gouritz River mouth
At the intersection, turn r ight to Gourikwa Nature Reserve
After Gourikwa entrance the road wil l become a dirt road - continue on the dirt road for± 3km
At the very f irst turn, turn left (you will see a 'Slaggate' Board)
± 1km first farm gate - close behind you
± 1km second farm gate - close behind you
± 1km third farm gate - close behind you
± 1km T-junction - turn right
± 2km on left - Riaan & Diane Botma - Stone cottage and white cottage
Turn left and follow the road down to the sea
The closest mall on this route is Riversdale